Cnc 3018 Upgrade with a Machifit 500W Spindle Motor


Machifit 500 W spindle motor
3018 cnc

4 x LMK8UU 8mm flange linear bearing
Thrust bearing F5-10M (5x10x4)
5mm penny washer
6mm or 1/4″ cast acrylic sheet
30mm m4 threaded spacers /standoffs
100mm leadscrew
Piano wire 1.2 mm diameter

FR4 Pcb board
24v dc relay
IN4148 diode
Dc barrel plug 5.5/2.1 mm

Spindle holder design

To download the gcode for the Acrylic plates, go to the following link:

Spindle holder design in Easel

Select the Machine menu, Advanced, Generate gcode and Export Gcode.

Relay pcb design

Pcb milling workspace

Cnc 3018 spindle upgrade circuit diagram
Cnc 3018 spindle upgrade circuit diagram
Cnc 3018 spindle upgrade wiring diagram
Cnc 3018 spindle upgrade wiring diagram

11 thoughts on “Cnc 3018 Upgrade with a Machifit 500W Spindle Motor

      1. Mike Welling

        That’s a shame !
        I’ll have to make my own dxf anyway now as I have just milled the plates using your Gcode download and the motor holes do not line up – purchased the motor from your link but BangGood probably changed the supplier or something.
        Not to worry it’s all good practice milling – excellent video by the way.
        Mike W

  1. Peter

    You haven’t mentioned the diode you have used in pcb switch anywhere.. can you please tell me what diode did you use there?

  2. Peter

    Also I’m having trouble to access nc code for the switch pcb… I have downloaded all your files from here but none of them is nc file. Can you please share full nc code for that pcb.. I’m a bit lazy to do it my self when you already done it and proved it


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