Parts & Tools
Clear acrylic sheet US UK DE
5 x Blue 5mm flat top leds US UK DE
4 x White 5mm flat top leds US UK DE
3 x 220 Ohm resistors 1/8W US UK DE
Twin hookup speaker wire US UK DE
DC power connector US UK DE
12V DC power supply US UK DE
Acrylic jigsaw blades US UK DE
Jigsaw US UK DE
Router US UK DE
Router table US UK DE
Mitre saw US UK DE
Straight router bit US UK DE
Soldering iron US UK DE
Solder US UK DE
Helping hand US UK DE
Headband magnifier US UK DE
Hot glue gun US UK DE
Drill US UK DE
Drill press US UK DE
Step drill US UK DE
Brad point drill bit US UK DE
Countersink drill bit US UK DE
3000 grit wet dry sandpaper US UK DE
Plastic polish US UK DE
Polishing mop US UK DE
Acrylic Christmas tree dimensions and cutting templates
Download Google SketchUp templates
Wood base dimensions
LED Circuit Wiring
This information is provided only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information, you assume the responsibility for the results. Every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.