Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W Engraver. Build, Test & Review

YouTube – Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W Engraver

In this video I build and test an Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W laser Engraver. The laser has an optic power output of 5.5W.

Buy on Aliexpress Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W

Air assist bracket
1mm 3d printer nozzle
6mm brass tube

To fit the 3d printer nozzle, I enlarged the end of the brass tube and then screwed the printer nozzle into it.

MaterialSpeedPower 20W (5.5W)PassesNotes
6mm plywood175 mm/min100%5Cut with Air assist
Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W Material Settings

6 thoughts on “Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W Engraver. Build, Test & Review

  1. Jacq R.

    I recently purchased the same laser cutter and engraver and was wondering if you had an excel sheet or input document of the values that the different materials use?


    My name is MAHMOUD MEGAHED. From Egypt. I have a marketing company for laser machine. So I have many customers need small machine. So
    I want to know all info about Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W laser Engraver. Also the price. And price list for spare parts. .
    Waiting your reply.

  3. Yves Duchêne

    Hi I am Yves. I bought the Ortur Laser Master 2 – 20W Engraver and should be here in 2 weeks. On the video with the 20 W at 27:17 it talks about air assist. Where ans i found this article? Or i have to make it myself?

    If you have any suggestion concerning this i will appreciated.


  4. Mehdi Bouhmadi


    Je suis tombé sur votre vidéo en faisant une recherche sur la laser ortur master 2, vidéo qui m’a beaucoup éclairé, je vous en remercie. J’ai une TPE de fabrication de tampons en caoutchouc à Casablanca, Maroc, et je me demande si cette machine pourrait faire mon affaire. J’utilise des feuilles en caoutchouc dont le lien est ici-bas. Vous qui avez manipulé la machine sous divers réglages, pensez-vous qu’elle puisse les graver proprement ? Votre avis, même subjectif, me viendrait en aide.

    Merci beaucoup. Bonne journée.

    Mehdi Bouhmadi


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