Sainsmart Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030 Grbl Default Settings

These are the default grbl settings for the Sainsmart Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030

Sainsmart Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030

Grbl V1.1 Configuration and settings guide

4 thoughts on “Sainsmart Genmitsu PROVerXL 4030 Grbl Default Settings

  1. Karl Riley

    I have the 4030 and when I press the ABORT key the bit dives into the wood and moves fast to the front and brakes my bit. How do I fix this problem??

  2. Baroudeur

    Thank you for the settings )
    I have a problem with ProverXL 3040. All axes move correctly, but in homing session, only Z move up and go back a bit, but dont redo the contact, and X and Y so, dont move. Do you have a hint ?

  3. ken

    I have a 4030 xl and I cant get a gcod to work with caeveco I tried so many but none works
    what are you all using i tried with candle ugs and gsender


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