How to make hydrogen ( explosive Gas ), storing hydrogen and some of the things that you can do with it. Floating trash bag, exploding trash bag, burning bubbles, exploding egg shell, exploding pringles, exploding milk jug carton, hydrogen stove and last but not least burning hydrogen bubbles in my hand.
Tag Archives: how to

How to make an led heart in a light bulb project
For Valentine’s Day this year I have created an led heart in a light bulb lamp.
How to make an led Christmas tree edge light sign
How to make an led Christmas tree edge light sign using a Dremel engraving tool 290-1
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How to wire a French electric plug CEE 7/6
This is how to wire a French electric plug CEE 7/6. Also some information about French sockets CEE 7/5.
priseélectrique Fiche électrique interrupteur Disjoncteur differential
Earth Live Neutral Terre Phase Neutre France
How to make an archery target from Ikea Dimpa storage bag
Archery targets are expensive to buy, so I looked for an alternative and came up with this diy archery target. Checkout the video below to see how to make an archery target from Ikea Dimpa storage bag
How to make a paper mache rocket stove
The challenge was to see if I could make a rocket stove using paper mache. Paper mache burns so the rocket stove is actually a self fuelling disposable rocket stove. Checkout the video below to see how it was made.
This is how to make your own inexpensive diy home cinema flat screen tv soundbar mounting brackets for mounting a soundbar above a television. The TV and soundbar are Panasonic but other makes should be similiar. The brackets are made from 500mm of 20mm x 20mm Aluminium angle. The mounting bolts for the tv are 12mm long, but you must make sure that the bolts you use are appropriate for your tv. The brackets are very solid and having the soundbar above the tv has enhanced the sound.
These brackets were cheap to make and are stronger and lighter than the commercial ones that I have seen.

How to replace the carbon brushes on a Dyson electric motor
Replacing the carbon brushes on a Dyson vacuum cleaner motor is very cost effective so it’s usually worth trying before replacing the motor.
Checkout the video and procedure below to see how it is done.
High voltage electric shock circuit from a disposable camera
This is how to remove the high voltage camera flash pcb from a disposable camera. You can use this to revive nicad batteries, make sparks, electric shocks, mini taser, zap, zapper etc.
Warning – this circuit produces about 350 volts and could be dangerous in some circumstances.
Papercrete Rocket Stove Test
This was a test of a papercrete rocket stove. Papercrete is made with cement, sand, paper mulch and water and has greater insulating properties than concrete.